Friday Foto

Missouri River Trout Confusion

John and I talked about this recently. The May trout confusion factor.

Yes, sometimes we think we got this thing all figured out. News Flash: We, the collective angler(s), we don’t.

Living and fishing here for decades will teach you a few things. Be humble. Again, when you think you got ‘er dicked, the fish gods soon remind you of your fallibility.

May, the month, can bring post spawn rainbow confusion. Sounds like that is the case out there now. The nymphers having success at times of the day, but some days not all day ling.

Yes, we know. That is fishing.

But most of the time we know where the trout are, even if we cannot catch them.

May can bring times or periods that make you believe you have never fished here before in your life?!?!

And that is OK. June is nearing daily.

This may be the week to get on the Dearborn. Currently, Sunday pm, 389 cfs. Falling about 50 cfs daily. Floatable with raft above 250 cfs. This could be the only week?

We do have more rain in the forecast, and quite a bit later this week. Half an inch :Wednesday and again the same on Thursday. The location and quantity will dictate the duration of the Dearborn float season.

All good in Craig Montana. Busy as shit. The busiest 6 week period with lots of travelers from other regions on the river for the historical run off period on other freestone rivers around the state. Weekends are quite busy. Weekdays a bit less. Fish after 5pm and you have the river nearly to yourself. Honest.

Be nice out there. Recognize you are not the only craft on the river. Look both ways before merging, changing sides of the river, When pulling anchor look upstream to check things out, be cordial. If you re freaking out, pull over, anchor up, and let the mayhem pass you by. It’ll be fine. Let it all roll off your back.

Headhunters open daily 7am. Late til 7pm. Let us know how to help in downtown Craig Montana.

The friendly fly shop in Craig.

fishing report, Monday
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  • Breathe in, breathe out, drift on.

  • Tony Ritter
    May 21, 2024 12:03 pm

    Count to ten.
    Take a deep breath.
    There are certainly worse places to be.
    Haiti, for instance…

  • John Whitney Crowley
    May 23, 2024 2:08 pm

    mucho trabajo por poco pescado?

  • Boy, you hit a true bullseye with this post! Newsflash: the MO owns you…not the other way around. And I mean “owns” in a GOOD way. Has my my heart (for sure) always, but has my mind so much of the year. The Missouri is a constant. A beautiful lifeline for myself. My parents (they LOVED Craig, MT!), dear friends, family members…all have a place in my Missouri River/Craig, MT memories and occupy that lifeline. As I age, fishing humility is easier to come by, and I’m grateful to be “owned” by the MO. It doesn’t need to, but by the grace of God, she finds a way to reward me with rise, an eat and a net full of trout. Atta least once in a while. Pour me a Wisconsin (version) Old Fashion, Scotty. See y’all soon.

  • “Be nice out there. Recognize you are not the only craft on the river. Look both ways before merging, changing sides of the river, When pulling anchor look upstream to check things out, be cordial. If you re freaking out, pull over, anchor up, and let the mayhem pass you by. It’ll be fine. Let it all roll off your back.”

    This to me, is gospel for life. Replace “River”, “Anchor” and “Upstream” with most of life stresses, and you have a remedy to resolve what life throws at you. A good reach cast does’t hurt either! Great post!

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