Monday Morning Missouri River Water Flow Update
Lots of speculation about the water flows, our winter, projected low flows, the rainy and cooler than normal June, and…
Just spoke with Stephanie Micek of the Montana Office Bureau of Reclamation/Department of the Interior. She stated many of these info bits in bulleted form below.
- Looks like a full Canyon Ferry reservoir is a possibility. We will know after the next couple days of rain in our drainage. But looks like the master reservoir, Canyon Ferry, will reach 97% full. That is considered full pool. That would give us the normal flows of 4100 cfs for the summer months.
- Even a couple weeks ago we were still projecting 90% fill. That has changed because of several factors that occurred the last 2 months. Continued wet weather with better than normal accumulations in the Missouri River basin coupled with delayed snow melt, strong YTD snow water equivalents in our three drainage regions including

Historical flows for the Mo during the summer session is a mandated 4100cfs. These were put in place almost 40 yers ago by several factions. A fishing flow that respects the trout, whitefish, suckers, turtles, shore birds, migratory creatures, etc. Anglers also like 4100cfs. Certainly better than these sub-par-3K flows we have been presented with the last 12 months.
ATTENTION ALL: This does not mean we are gonna blow out. NOPE. We are at 5K ish right now. Blown out is 15K+. So, no freaking out. This additional water just brings us to a very nice fishing level. Water will remain clear, as we are the 3rd dam in a row. Our feeder creeks are below average for flows. They are clear. They are clean. The Mo River waters are clear. And fishable, and floatable. The Dearborn is 60% of average. Little Prickly Pear is 40% of average.
Great for the dry fly angler. A bit more water, is good. Puts another foot on those skinny flats. Trout love 18″-36″ for a rising platform. Not as good for the wade angler as the endless shorelines have evaporated, an oxymoron in the use here, but very good for the bugs, the trout. More air/oxygen, for both fish and insects. 25% more water. That is good.

Check out the daily increases here on this lake level site.
Keep it tuned in here at the Information Source of all things trout, the Missouri River, and you the angler. Headhunters Fly Shop brings you the news, the daily updates, and the kind of content you need as a Missouri River Fishing Nut!

Wanted to keep you readers and anglers of Montana’s Missouri River informed of the latest news. If any changes occur we will let you know. Fishing is good. June is good. June is super busy. Now we will see some displacement from other rivers as the westside is blown, the south side is blown, and the north side is blown. We do receive the anglers who cannot fish their resource this month. When things, water, shakes out they will return home. Until then, we will share the waters with all. It is part of our DNA here on this dammed river. BEW nice. Respect others. Play fair. Enjoy the waters with all parties anglers or not.
Happy Monday!
1 Comment.
Hi Mark.Just wondering if the PMDs have moved up into the dam area.You will probably see me next week as the Big Hole is blown out.