Turkey Day Weekend Fishing Report 11.22.17

Turkey Day Weekend Fishing Report 11.22.17

Turkey Day Weekend Fishing Report 11.22.17

A few tips to get you through the holiday weekend from us here at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service. The good news is that we we not only give you tips for fishing here on the Mighty Missouri River in Craig Montana but a few insights on how to negotiate your family as well!

Tip #1. Mornings during holiday weekends start late. Sleep in. It’s good for your constitution. And, maybe your mother in law will cook breakfast for you.

Tip #2. Start every holiday with Bailey’s in your coffee. Make life better. And, on Thanksgiving proper, you could could a step higher and dump in some Jameson.

Tip #3. After you get up and eat breakfast plan out your fishing day. Plan to get on the river about noon, fishing til dark. The fish will settle into deeper water if the sun is high. Nymph deep or put o a heavier sink tip for dredging those fish in the mid day period. They will slide into the shallower water as the sun moves behind the hills. Adjust your rig accordingly.

Tip #4. I think that with the warmth if you wanted to get up early and fish early, that would be OK. Save the Irish Whiskey for after you get back home. The fishing in the mornings has been good. The sun is not on the water yet and those fish like to lay in the shallows. Swing ’em up in the skinny water.

Tip #5. Demo a Trout Spey Rod @ Headhunters Fly Shop. Use the weekend to get familiar with your new habit. OR come down and get the right line on that bad boy you got from your neighbor. Or come in and get one of our hot 2 handed rods for the fall ’17 and spring ’18.

Tip #6. Swing your Skagit Rig while the river is higher. Currently 44cfs and water temps holding at 41F. They have stalled. The fish are happy. The Skagit line with a MOW tip in the 7.5′ X 2.5′ or even the 5′ x 5′ will get it done. Or try a straight T-8 or T-11 tip to find your depth. Tip-Mania on the wales here at Headhunters. We have them all!!

Tip #6. Schedule your day on Thursday for football and eating. If you wanted to fish early we will see you at the shop 8 til Noon. Derrick and Mark, along with maybe other cameo appearances by who knows will get you through the morning session. Then you are on your own. I have a few football games slated in between games of Cribbage, napping bouts, and 2nd’s and 3rd’s. A Pecan Pie along with several Caucasians may send me off to dreamland.

Tip #7. If you want to nymph, head up to the dam and get you Rainbow fix fishing near the fence post. They gotta be stacked up at the wire too. There will be folks around Thursday morning. And there will be others around on Friday thru Monday. If you are smarter than the rest you will start low and move upwards throughout the day finishing at the dam. Fishermen are predictable and start at the top and move downstream, generally. So go against the grain. Swim upstream man!

Tip #8. Streamers that are hot include all of the little dark leeches. That has been the best for sure! Thin Mints, all of the bugger colors, Coffee Sparkle Minnows, Zonkers, L’il Kim, Dali Llama, Flesh Eating Sculpin, Pig Pen Leech, Matt’s Bandit, Simi Seal Leech…all of that small stuff.

Tip# 9. For the swingers the Sparrow in Olive. Soft hackles in darker colors, Larger soft hackle type flies too. 10’s and 12′ are just fine. Again smaller buggers and leech patterns have been hot. Scandi or Skagit. Your choice. This time of year is nice because the fish are not freaked out from pressure. So you can find fish in skiing water. Skagit swingers have been also fond of the dry tip. Don’t disregard it. Or a full intermediate.

Tip #10. If you mother in law gets weird go to the garage. Today get a stash of beer, liquor, snacks and the like stored. A transistor radio is clutch too. A garage mounted TV is the best, then you don’t even have to participate with the others. How about a couch out there for napping?

Tip #11. Shop at small retailers, like us, this holiday period. I have always said that we all shop at Amazon, box stores, etc…but remember your brothers in arms running, working in those favorite storefronts that we love to hang at. That we get our information from, that we hold near and dear to our hearts. Reward and support those who support you my fishy friends. Shop Small this Weekend! And as always, thanks for reading, thanks for being a Headhunter, thanks for being you man. Happy Holidays. Enjoy your family and friends this weekend and be thankful for living in America. Land of the Free along with great rivers and resources.

Turkey Day Weekend Fishing Report 11.22.17
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  • We have your backs Mark. There is no place else I’d rather shop.
    I’ve said it before, if you carried groceries and beer (okay, mostly just beer) there is no place else I would shop!
    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  • Thanks Mark. Appreciate it always!

  • Happy Thanksgiving to all of you at the HH shop, all the great folks in Craig MT.
    I have had a number of great years learning to fish the M and very thankful to spend time on your home waters.
    Cant wait to get back.

    Greg Jarvis
    Calgary AB

  • Thanks Mark enjoy reading your updates. Trust you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, can’t agree more with you “America Land of the Free” we are truly blessed!! God Bless, tight lines…

    Al Reginato (Trout Bum in Training)

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