Friday Foto Near Spring Edition

Friday Foto Near Spring Edition

Friday Foto Near Spring Edition

Nearing spring but ‘ol man winter still has a seat at the table.

Lots of anglers over here for the week and weekend ahead nymphing, swinging, stripping, and looking for some rising midge and BWO  trout.

It is all out there for the taking. All you gotta do is come on over.

Happy Weekend!

The snow will go away at some point this spring. Maybe. It is Montana, it is Spring, it is Montana just east of the Rocky Mountains.

It is, normal.

  • Stop in and pick up a killer Skwala rain jacket either the RS bombproof 4 season jacket or the staff favorite Carbon Rain jacket in two colorways! Need a kick ass wool layering piece for your trunk? The Thermo 350 Wool Pant is the best underwader garment I have ever worn. Suitable for bar hopping as well. Comfy, warm, unassuming. You will just love these items only available locally at Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service in snowy Craig Montana.
Friday Foto Near Spring Edition
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UMOWA Upper Missouri River Watershed Alliance Annual Rendezvous Friday May 31st

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  • Richard Raisler
    May 3, 2024 11:17 am

    Are you sure that the “white stuff” isn’t cottonwood seeds?

  • Mark – Mark’s Dad

    What a gift Craig is and can be…I have enjoyed being snowed upon, and pelted with sleet the past two days as BWOs caused these oftentimes shy and wary trout to simply be present …not much more anyone can or should ask of anyone … YOUR PICTURE … says it all… it is what I dreamt of for 30 years
    Sorry for rant – I mean well


    Most of my life I am with people but feel alone, yet when I fly fish alone I never feel lonely….

    Do you remember what I can’t forget?
    An early September blinding snowstorm on “the River” tucked within one of its many protected side-channels, providing a level of intimacy that a drive in movie theatre once provided so many years ago…

    Two fanatical bamboo wielding friends with cigars providing an aroma that brings forward the past…

    A blanket BWO hatch begins, or perhaps it never quite ended, and we begin to anticipate, look, breath and exhale into the River our hopes, emotions and desires…

    The River begins to hold us, and our essence and it become one…

    But it was the magic of becoming a part of that landscape, and not just an observer of God’s grander canvas, as we became an invited and welcomed piece of the puzzle, and because we belonged all continued around us as if we were not there…

    It was if we heard the tree that feel the day before when no one was there …

    I could feel the love and the peace of the River and how it needed us every bit as much as we needed it…

    And while it was not better, it was in fact simply more complete, and thus more beautiful in that snowstorm with us catching those beautiful pieces of God…

    Without us that snowstorm was merely an event of nature surrounding the River, but with us the River gave and received our presence and the canvas that God intended was so completed…

    But the act of flyfishing is not the completion God offers, grants and requests, it is the peace and calm shared by your heart, the respectful and kind tone of your voice, the presence of gratitude and humility that God desires to be the final brush stroke of the canvas..

    Without us, without the snowstorm and the hatch of BWOs, the River is merely a ribbon of lonely water waiting, asking, and hoping to be finished…

    The river knows that if it has faith in God’s Plan, and with faith it knows that if it keeps its liquid offering moving while offering peace and solitude, it will capture the heart of someone seeking the same that it produces …

    Peace, calm and beauty is there right in front of us all, God is not hiding it even within a snowstorm we need not be blind.

  • Amen, brother.

  • Very nice, JGG. I get it.

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