Squeeky Oar Lock is cold. The New Year will bring some goo fishing...swinging flies for the next 4 months. Then...spring brings dry fly fishing. Hooray!
You like to huck junk? (changed a typo here that was pretty funny!? Thanks to MT for pointing it out to me!) Yeah, we do too, sometimes. If this is you game, and you like have fly lines to accomplish…
RIO GOLD XP Fly Line One line for the Mighty Missouri River? Fish the nymph in the morning, fish the dry in the afternoon, and if you like a bit of sunset streamer angling this is your fly line! Spool…
Nymph, Dry Fly, Streamer SALE! Only $1 Check out the Nymph, Dry Fly, and Streamer Sale Prices at only $1 Online here. Been selling a bundle of these sale flies. Now available to you, ONLINE for only ONE DOLLAR! Now you…
Snowy here in central Montana and beyond. Is it time to re-focus today. In February. Often a gloomy month for the angler. But don’t let the month that brings many of us down. I believe this is a depressing month.…
Fishski Video Fishski Video today in snowy, cold Montana from Scumliner Media. Seemed appropriate as we move through this week of more and more cold and snow. Good news. So the Missouri River slopes are primed for some killer POW…
Headhunters Fly Shop Hiring 2025 Headhunters Fly Shop hiring for shuttle and shop staff 2025. Yes, we begin to gather all stars for the Missouri River fishing season. Want to come join us for the next dry fly campaign? Want…
Missouri River Water Update The projection for the upcoming year. Will it change? Oh yeah. Got the wettest months of the year ahead of us. June, May, April in that order top 3 wet months. Love the new chart form.…
Snow Days. Bitter Cold. Maybe (probably) Closed this Weekend. 4th storm in a month. Definitely winter here in central Montana. Bring it. It is February. Historically cold and sometimes snow laden. Some times below zero temps hold us for a…
Many of you know Tito Puente from Oye Como Va fame. yeah, he wrote that. Today he is playing Take Five. Another famous tune written by Paul Desmond and made famous by The Dave Brubeck Quartet. The biggest selling jazz…
Friday Foto TAKF Think about fishing with your kids this year. You should fish more often with your kids. Or go outside with them. Even if you have to drag them out. Take a Kid Fishing this year. Plan it…
Missouri River February Fishing Forecast 2025 Welcome to February. Football is nearly over, baseball is around the corner, and the fishing has been above average, when the weather has let us get out there. We are getting nearer to spring…
Wednesday Montana Missouri River Fishing Report Not too much. Windy today, warm, 50F. Colder as the weekend arrives with a side of snow. Bring it. Most are fishing from the Dam or WC. Ramps cool today, but could be compromised…
$1 Online Fly Sale, In-Store Specials, Late January Cold and snow on the ground. Warming this week and may see some anglers on the water with air temps crawling into the 40’s! Lots of good sale stuff happening too. Shop…
Snow on the ground in the past couple days. 6″ in Cascade, lesser around. Cold? Yes. Too cold? No. Sun out today. A perfect afternoon. Nymphing with big pink flies. Effective. The fish are in slow water but found several…
Hump Day Winter Forecast A winter weather pattern has descended upon us here in central Montana. Finally. Snow a couple ties this past week spitting a couple inches each storm. Today spitting more snow with air temps crawling out of…
Your one stop fly fishing source in Craig Montana. Call today for summer fly fishing help. Like guides, rental boats, Craig Montana lodging, on-line fly fishing equipment, trout-spey information rods, lines, and gear, and pretty much anything trout related. We…
Redington Taco Tour Video w/ Mark Raisler of Headhunters Fly Shop Had a ball tossing PMD dries, drinking Special Beers, and making Birria Tacos with Guide Mario Guel of Redington last summer. Just viewed long time friend Wayne Peterson of…
January Missouri River Water Update Looking normal. We would love to get to the water levels we did last spring and early summer. Average water levels are good. Let’s head that route. Doing snow dance(s) daily. You? Plan your summer…
#TBT Depth Perception Video Throw Back Thursday brings you Depth Perception by Scumliner Media. This throwback vid filmed in late July 2011. Between storms here in central MT. More snow this weekend. A bit warm today with air temps creeping…
Closed today Monday Out for the cold and primarily snow today. A bit sketchy for the drive for the staff. Back in the store tomorrow. Well below freezing as well. Guides may freeze up after two casts. Save them for…
Craig Montana January 2nd 2025 Currently 8F in downtown Craig Montana. High of 14F today. Snowing. Calm. Quiet. Only thing happening is the phone ringing. What? Yeah, booking 2025 guide trips, lodging, and otherwise. Questions too. Lot so of ’em.…
Happy New Year 2025! Thanking you and all of our friends and guests. Thank you for a very nice 2024. Looking forward to the best yet? Always hoping. The true drive of any angler. Hope. We hope to see you…
Hurricane Helene, a Category 4 storm, made landfall on Thursday, September 26th, in Northwestern Florida before moving through Georgia, Western North Carolina, and Eastern Tennessee. The ensuing winds and heavy rains caused unimaginable flooding and damage to small towns in…
One of the great John Cusack Quotes What do you want to do? Are you doing it? Did you have a crossroads decision at one point? We all did. This is a fantastic scene with John Cusack in Say Anything…
Ed Note: Wrote this 6 years ago. Still pertinent in today’s world. Happy Holidays. Enjoy the Ed piece today and have a great weekend! Things Squeeky learned about teaching fly fishing this year I was fishing with an individual who was…
Swing Season Tuesday Scenery Swinging this Tuesday. Happy Holidays. If you are in the neighborhood swing by for a cup of coffee. And a fishing chat. Get your hands on a Headhunters Fly Shop Gift Card for you, your neighbor,…
Christmas Spey by Jeff Kennedy Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Wishing you the best today, this week and throughout the upcoming year. Thanking all of you for a fantastic 2024. Looking forward to a wonderful 2025. A cool Christmas…
Pretty boring in town in this winter month, specifically pre-Christmas as we are located in the middle of nowhere. 45 miles from both Great Falls and Helena. Not too close for Christmas shopping. But, we do have a great new…
Mid December Missouri River Fishing Report Just saw the water dip below the federally mandated, suggested, lows of 2800cfs. Now back to 2920cfs. Frightfully low below the 2800 mark. Let’s keep the water up, message to water managers. A good…
This from the Water Managers Love the new addition of the numbers on the bottom of this chart. Gives us a bit more to think about. I like the projections for the summer. We do need to get going on…
SOL Tactical Hoody On SALE today ONLY! 20% Off @ HH of Craig! Serious anglers wear serious sun shirts, and this 12 Days of Skwala Sale deal gives you a great price on the only high-performance sun hoody on the…
You’ll Shoot your Eye Out! Spey casting is easier than shooting your Red Ryder. You won’t shoot your eye out with a 11′ 3wt. Merry Christmas from all of us here in Craig! Don’t Shoot your Eye Out!
Fly Fishing To Do List. December. Warmer than normal this month. A touch of snow last night, for about an hour. A scant coating this morning greeted us. Gone now. 30’s and 40’s the entire next week. Un-seasonable weather. A…
Friday Mo River Fishing Report 12.6.24 All good out there. Warm, windy, an uncommon December. Staff party tonight. May leave a bit early from the shop at 4pm. Got pre-funking to do. Water temps 40.5F. Water Flows 2830 CFS. Swingers…
Skwala Back Eddy Sale This terrific staff favorite Skwala Back Eddy Jacket is on sale today! 20% off. So, of you are in the neighborhood, out shopping for yourself or others, save some dough today at HH of Craig. Also,…
Missouri River Winter Fishing Checklist. All the stuff you need for your winter excursion. Whether you be fishing at your local pond or here on the Missouri you need to be prepared in a different way than you would be…
December Missouri River Fishing Forecast All good here on the Mo this early winter. Above average daily temps, along with the ubiquitous wind. Below average numbers of anglers with November in the rear view mirror. A decent fishing month, but…
Missouri River Fishing Report 11.27.24 All good in this neighborhood. Water temps falling to 43F. Water flows 3080cfs. Swingers are the most common angler on the water this month. Will have some college kids and adults this weekend. Brawl of…
Shop Small November 29th The time is coming for that shopping blitz known as Black Friday. Yeah, the mobs arriving at stores at midnight has been lessened the past few years, but still fanatical shopping time in the states. Today…
Rough Legged Hawk The Rough-legged Hawk spends the summer capturing lemmings on the arctic tundra, tending a cliffside nest under a sun that never sets. Winter is the time to see this large, open-country hawk in southern Canada and the…
Trout Spey Flies Squeeky’s Trout Spey Fly selection has grown over the years. The more flies you have, the more fish you can catch. Right? But, can a feller really have too many flies? No is the answer, if you…
12 Days of Skwala @ Headhunters of Craig Great deal on Skwala Carbon Wader, Carbon Jacket, and Carbon Pant @ Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig for the next 4 days. Save 20% on the best selling Skwala Jacket and pant…
Mid Week, and cold. 18F at the shop this morning. Currently calm, will it last? Our first test of winter like weather this week in Craig. It was time. Water temps falling quickly. Most are swinging out on the river.…
An awful beautiful place, the Missouri River is. We love it. Have you made your reservation for lodging yet? For 2025? February is too late for prime time lodging options. Just sayin’. You don’t want to miss out on Missouri…
Friday Fishing Report Missouri River Montana 2900cfs, low. Probably for the winter. Temps 47.5F. Falling a degree every two and a half days. Once below 40F, we consider winter fishing techniques, norms, etc. Pretty nice out there. Not many craft…
Just Add Vise Kit Fall Super Sale Today is a good day for the Fly Tyers out there. If you like your materials in kit form and are not a full time, or wanna be full time fly tyer, these…
Craig Trout Camp open all winter long. Yep. Last winter was mild. Mild enough to keep anglers on the water most everyday in the winter months. Will it, the winter, again be fishable? We don’t know. We do know the…
Celebrating all veterans today November 11th. We honor, remember, and celebrate the service of all US Armed Services in peace and during war. Today we honor the bravery and service of all veterans. We at Headhunters keep these men and women…
Weekend Update Missouri River Montana Headhunters Fly Shop 3250cfs with 49.5F temps. Some BWO action with a few other mayflies around. Small ones. A great drift combined with a size 16-20 dark mayfly cripple, emerger, or dun. Plenty of trout…
Flashing back to a decade ago, summer, BBQ, fellowship. We like all of those things. Except, we look forward as we are glancing back. That is more realistic. Currently sunny and windy. Common for the season. We prefer calm and…
Hump Day in Montana Personally thinking about the future today here in Craig. Conservation took a hit yesterday locally and nationally. Public Lands will be in question, human rights, and even our opportunities to recreate in one of the greatest…
November Missouri River Fly Fishing Forecast We are looking forward to the month ahead. November is great fishing. One of the best parts of the month include the lack of anglers around. Another highlight is the fish that like to…