Sara speaks this week with 10 questions from Sara.
Similar questions were asked to Dewey this previous week and now it is Sara’s turn.
We have a few more people of interest coming up too. And, and we have some winter guide blogs in the can as well.
Sara has been with us at Headhunters Fly shop and Guide Service for 6 years and is integral to our operation.

10. Your favorite reach of river. Why?
Prewitt to Cascade
9. Favorite season of the year? Why?
Spring. Fresh and green.
8. What rods do you like to fish with?
Pro1 7 wt 1 Piece Streamer, SAGE One 9′ 5wt and 6wt, Loomis NRX LP 5 wt
7. How do you like to roll. With friends, solo?
Solo. I love my dog.
6. What is your personal Conservation focus?
My thoughts are just be good. Don’t be a dick. Be nice to others. Does that work?

5. Do you like the fishing lifestyle?
4. Do you think Craig will change upon sewer installation?
Yes. There will be more places to stay. I think more folks will try to bring business here. I don’t think it will get busier, I think the existing folks (businesses) will develop more businesses.
3. One hatch? Which one?
2. Where do you like to fish outside of Craig?
Anywhere warm and saltwater. Primarily warm.
1. How about 6X? Yes or no?
Bonus Question 1. Hunting or fishing? Which do you love more?
Both. Same.
Bonus Question 2. Barbed or barbless?
Barbless, all the time.
Bonus Question 3. Did your family get you involved in the outdoors?
Yes. My Dad.
Bonus Question 4. Who is/was your biggest fly fishing mentor?
Yes, My Dad.
Bonus Question 5. Has working in the fishing business changed your love for it?
Um, no I don’t think so.

Thanks Sara for enduring a couple minutes of questioning from Mark this last week. We know you have much more to do that to answer Mark. The folks on the phone are much more important…
Sara loves Saltwater fishing and wants to do much more. She is constantly cold and hovers around the heater at Headhunters swaddled heavily in down clothing.
Sara also love to hunt upland birds. She truly wishes that the bird hunting season lasted about six months.
Give her a call at the shop if you would like to get on our summer schedule. She is a booking genius!
And a pretty good shot!