Missouri River Late August
Not too bad at all. While the other dozen freestone rivers in Montana are fishing quite well we are fishing pretty well too. Hoppers get all the headlines but we have a damn strong Trico hatch nearly every day. They hatch every day, sometimes not as full a hatch as others. Also you can get the Pump Fake, as John Arnold calls it, where the bugs show well, then move into the next county. Or something.
Nymphing has been pretty damn abysmal as of late. What is happening and when it will change is a mystery to most including us. Water temps are not out of line and the Trico production is phenomenal. So…?
Nymphing will return as we tear the pages of the calendar off sliding into September.
Hoppers do get the headlines as some really nice Brown Trout fall for the meaty flaring fly. Chubby’s, Morrish, Mongo’s, Dave’s, Whitlock’s, Peanut’s are all good choices for the remainder of August.
Callibaetis have started to show a little. Cooler air temps next month will bring this oft missed severely localized larger mayfly to our attention.

Missouri River September
The best nymphing month of the summer. Historically speaking. Many look forward to this generally hatch less month as a chance to get back behind the bobber. Kids are back in school and the parents prepare for an Autumn Get-A-Way. A relatively busy month on Montana’s Missouri River as fish counts go up.
Some Pseudocloen activity in the beginning of the month followed by daily Pseudo events as we near October. They can just drive a guy nuts. Most smart folks including Missouri River Fishing Guides when seeing a Pseudocloen Pod just keep on rowing. Don’t look back either. A good rule of thumb is to stop and anchor. Cast at them for 5 minutes or 1 fly change. If nothing happens, no eats, no refusals no nothing happens…move. Immediately. O
Or stay for a couple hours. Your choice.
If you are in need of a few killer Pseudo patterns stop in the shop and sift through our substantial Pseudo section. Smoke Jumpers, RS2’s, CDC Emergers, Black Posted Duns, and several parachutes patterns to keep you busy the entire Baetis Pseudocloen Season!
The aforementioned Callibaeits are present in specific silty runs. The rule of thumb is if you see a couple flighting about, put one on. A Parachute Adams will fit the bill but there are more patterns out there for cavorting with Callibaetis. Tilt Wings, Harrop’s Callebaetis Spinner, Callebaeits Flog, Harrop’s D & D Cripple, and many more.
Hoppers can stay around for a while depending on how the nighttime air temps present themselves. If we have a bunch of below zero evenings we will see them disappear rapidly. All terrestrials will rise and fall wight he conditions. Ants are players about 8 months of the year. Honest. It is never a bad idea to play the ant through your favorite run.
The October Caddis Trichoptera Dicosmoecus shows in the nymphal form this month. Try swinging one through a sexy riffle and see what happens. They are actually in play in late August so do not discount your big orange buddy this fall.
Historically we would have this late caddis session too. But probably will not happen this year based on the caddis progression or lack thereof this summer. Keep it here for hatch events as they occur.

Missouri River October
One of our favorite months here in Montana. If we could have 6 months of October, we would! Fall fishing is fishing at it’s finest and the Missouri River shines for 31 days in the 10th month annually.
October Caddis, BWO’s in 3 sizes, good streamer fishing, fantastic nymphing, and fewer folks make this a month for angling all-stars. October is month upon we get visitors from the fishing industry testing gear for the upcoming years and out of work Montana fly fishing guides from Bozeman, the Bighorn River, Whitefish, Livingston, and Missoula. You know if a gaggle of trout bums are here…there might be some action you may want to participate in. No?
Streamer fanatics come out of the woodwork while the dry fly anglers stalk actively feeding fish on acres of DFO Flats. Book your lodging now for this month as the premier properties fill fast. Check out CraigLodging.com for the full line up of Headhunters Rentals Properties.
Missouri River Fall Forecast
So that is it. The fall is on its way ash the fall fishing will heat up with the changing of the colors. Dry flies, nymphs, and streamers are all on the docket for fall fishing on your favorite fall river in Craig Montana. Give us a shout if you have questions about the fishing, hatch schedules, lodging, or guided fishing trips. We love to talk bout fishing the Missouri River.