We have folks all the time want us to call them when the fishing is “off the charts.”
It isn’t yet.
Will it be soon? Yeah, maybe.
Every April the cork comes off and we are looking for that to happen sometime this month. April and May are really, really good fishing months here in central Montana.
Really, really good.
Do they match July, June, or even October? You gotta be the judge of that.
April is drifting by faster than we realize and May will be upon us with some of the shop staff’s favorite fishing. Streamer mania and great blind dry fly fishing with March Browns, BWO’s and midges keeping us busy until the spring caddis show.
As for today, yesterday and the week ahead? Looking good my fishy friends.
Missouri River Montana Fishing Report 4.14.15
Missouri River Montana Dry Fly Report

Good dry fly days have been had with better and ultimately more consistent days ahead of us. The BWO’s are showing albeit not in huge numbers. Those Baetis boxes should grace your boat or vest for the next month for sure. Para’s, low riding emerges, trapped duns, transitional duns, cripples, and your own home brew patterns will get you through. Look for a Complete Baetis Blog coming soon.
Midges are here in force. Mega midge hatches all day long, on some occasions, will allow you to toss at rising fish when the wind falls below gale forces.
Midges are here in force.
Had to say it twice for effect. Big time midge hatches. Some years we have consistent daily emergences and some years we do not. This is one of the good ones. Midges can get you all revved up from dawn til dusk here on the Missouri River.
Patterns? Clusters, Buzzaballs, singles, G-Men. You have been reading this report for weeks now. All the regular stuff…plus your magic fly. We don’t keep any secrets here at Headhunters. Want to know the secret fly, the secret mayfly for the Missouri River? It’s commonly known as the Parachute Adams.
Missouri River Montana Nymph Report
Good to great. Getting better everyday. Fish moving into faster water as the temps rise and we can really see it. The water is dropping and be aware to adjust your nymph rigs accordingly. The dynamics of nymphing are constantly in flux and those who practice static fishing behaviors don’t use the net as often.
Look for center river water and get it on the shelf. Some are having success in those bank sided bubbly seams and runs. Others are staying closer to the center. Your choice. Lots of ways to skin cat.

Patterns? Wide and varied. Still the primary objective is to sink that fly as fast as possible and keep it there as long as possible. That is the secret to nymphing success. Keeping the bait in front of the target as long as physically possible. Honest. Trust me, I’m a fly fishing guide.
- Gaudy beaded flies like the FB Ray, FB Caviar Scud, FB Pink Ray Soft Hackle, Hot Threaded Tailwater Sows, Ninch’s Lucent Bead Sow, Bloom’s FB Weight Fly, the Mexican Mayfly, Amex, Pink Lightening Bug, Holla Back Pink, Pierced Pink Nipple’s…
- Mayfly patterns that are coming on strong include S & M’s, Peep Show, Indigo Child, Two Bit Hooker, Gidget, LGM, T-Head Pheasant Tail, BHGRHE, Brush Hog, Micro Mays, Red Headed Step Child, Pearl LB’s, un beaded PT’s, Ju-Ju Baetis…
- Midge flies that sink include the ubiquitous Zebra. You could only throw that fly and do well. Food for thought. But if you havfta go a different route you’d have to come in and see what we have. I just fish the Zebra. Black Zebra. I will have to poll the gang at Headhunters and find out what all the hype is. I’ll get back to you.
Missouri River Montana Streamer Report
Streamer Fishing is getting better too. The water temps moving upwards gets those trout to move. To move towards that stripped fly. Bright fly bright day. Dark fly dark day. Try that.
The swinging gang is still out there. They are having success in a touch faster water as well. It need not be the stale part of the run anymore. Try stepping through the top ends of some of these runs. A fly with some weight will help in that arena as well.
Need Spey Lines or MOW Tips? We got it all on our on-line fly shop. If not, we will order it today!
Water Temps and Missouri River Flows
The water temps are climbing. Shocker! We would like them to climb slowly. But, we cannot control that sort of deal. Not yet at least. The better fishing is commensurate with the higher water temps. Shocker!
Currently roaming around the 44F mark. Should stall there for a while as we flirt with spring like weather for a couple days. Probably more BWO weather. Shucks.

The flows are in the 3860cfs ballpark and will stay no higher than that for a while. Check out the probable flows chart we will post tomorrow. Low man. May be a low water summer. Honest.
Missouri River Montana Weather
Headhunters Fly Shop open daily with piping hot free perked coffee to get your day going. Shuttles, the best in flies, Missouri River info and free maps, gloves, hand warmers, sunscreen, bug dope, shit hot cool lookin’ HH Logo Wear including the street ready Craglandia line.
Open late for any post or apres fishing needs like new RIO Perception Fly Lines, demo rods, all sizes of SIMMS only wader made in the states G3’s, and you local lodging source.