Missouri River Monday Fishing Report from Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig Montana.
Ninch says: If you are not willing to change flies and concentrate in select areas you might have a skewed view of how the fishing is right now.
Dewey says: Look closely to see those heads popping up. You gotta stare for while sometimes or you may not see them.
Mark says: Manage your winter expectations. I like to set the bar low everyday therefore exceeding even my own expectations.
John says: Try taking off the split-shot in really slow waters. The flies will have enough time to sink. Also try taking the slack out of the line enabling quick strikes for winter nymphing success.
Braden says: Huh? It’s fishing well sometimes, other times not as well. Just be here during the former.
Sara says: Streamer anglers make the world go ’round. Throw it til your arm falls off.
Max says: Go small and natural. Skwalas may be coming soon?
Julie says: Toss your 2 handed rod for another month. That’s what I’m gonna do. Then DFO for me baby.
That is the word from the staff here at the shop.
Had some guided trips out this weekend. Had a great time, learned some new things about the river, and caught some fish. Oh, and fixed my cast too. That was the word from Ben Hardy’s guest who has moved here for work He is excited to be back near the Mo. Originally from Helena, just down the road.
The Spring Special is here for the next 6 weeks through the 30th of April. Cheap lodging starting at $125/night here in Craig and beyond. Call the shop for availability after checking out www.craiglodging.com.
Spring Special Guide Trips for a mere $300. Headhunters loves to offer this spring pricing schedule for those who use it as a tune up for the summer ahead. Knock the dust off your rod and casting arm with your fishing partner, your wife, your kids, or your favorite person, you. Busiest the latter part of April and books backwards towards today. Great guides available as our entire guide staff is eager to get on the water. It was the guide staff that brought this to the table 7 years ago. They said, hey we are ready to work and look forward to getting back on the water daily. It has become quite popular at Headhunters and we too are jazzed about seeing you folks back here in Craig.
Water temperatures are moving upwards as the days become longer. 37F this March 16th Monday afternoon.

Flows are holding at 4700cfs-ish. Water flows for the summer? Don’t know yet, but will have a better idea as the spring progresses. Snow on the ground at or about the middle of April is dictates long term summer flows.
Flies for the week? Midges could be the key to breaking the bobber winter curse. Bobber anglers the 2 best seem to be the Rainbow Czech and some sort of sow. Streamers? Kreelex is back. Sparkle Minnows too.
A touch dirty below the Dearborn as it moved from 200cfs yesterday to 381cfs as I write. Just be aware of changing water conditions starting now through the month of June. You can always call ahead to get the current wind, water, and shuttle services.
More an more people around as we move into the true spring period. Open daily @ 8am and late til 6pm.